Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1000 miles - Pulaski, NY

Hurrah!! (Please scroll down and check the next post - it's new.)
This photo was taken by Tim, who has been walking with me for the last few days.

We talked this morning with a local man who told us that the fierce storm we witnessed two nights ago killed a couple people near Buffalo, NY, in flash floods. I asked if storms here are worse than in the past. "You bet," he said. "And the temperatures - we've had a weird summer: only one day in the 90's, and that was in April!"


Bete said...

Congrats on the 1000 mile mark!

Zeke said...


Arthur said...

Congratulations, not everyone can walk 1000 miles!! You will soon be there.

toni lucena said...

que bom saber de voce e muito mais dessa bela caminhada. Voce continua uma lutadora iluminada saudades