First I want to welcome the new 'followers' of this blog - you encourage me and give me new energy. Also, thanks to those that post comments. If you want to leave a comment without signing in, use the Anonymous option and let me know who you are by putting your name in the text. I love to hear from you.

In the lobby of the church I visited in Galveston on Sunday, rows of moccasins mounted on globes line the wall, representing a lighter footprint on the Earth. In the photo here you can see some of the actions recommended: Switch to socially responsible investments, Reduce the use of PVC, Drink tap water, Drive no faster than 55 mph. I'll add a tip from a posting I received this morning: ultra-soft toilet paper "comes at a high environmental price - the destruction of millions of trees in North America, including rare old-growth forests in Canada." This comes from Check today's issue for the article including suggestions of what to use instead of the softest whitest tissue.
Why are we stuck in the Houston area? For me it's a nice place to be stuck for a few days because I'm at my sister's home in Baytown, enjoying her company and her comfortable home. I've been walking with her in the early mornings, when the birds are singing full-throat in the trees and the azaleas glow in their red, pink, purple and white glory. Guy is enjoying the garage-full of tools as he fixes cabinet doors on the support van and installs a vent dome to replace the one I broke two weeks ago. The truth is that we weren't going to indulge in this pleasant stay, but on our way here for the visits to Houston and Galveston, we blew a tire and discovered an oil leak, two problems that had to be dealt with before we could continue on our way. Turns out the oil leak is not serious, and we're picking up the new spare tire on our way out of town tomorrow.
We'll go down to the Louisiana Coast and spend some time walking along the area where Ike and Rita wreaked their damage not long ago. I'll send some photos. This area between Galveston and New Orleans is the prototype of coasts around the world that are suffering the impact of climate change. I'm aware that this landscape may be gone forever the next time I come this way.
I'm glad you got some time with Natalie. I loved the picture you posted yesterday of the symbolic part of your journey. It is wonderful to hear of the people you meet and to feel that I'm coming along.
Bill and Patty just wnat you to know our thoughts are with you. I'm sorry to hear about your van problems but I guess such an undertaking is not without its setbacks and you are turning it into a positive experience.Thank You For sharing your journey.My wish for everyone is to see the beauty in the world around us everyday and take one small step to preserve instead of destroy. THANK YOU GRETA
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